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Suzhou » Restaurants » Korean » A Ming Xiang

A Ming Xiang


Category: Korean

Address:403 Shiquan St.


Tel: 0512 6518 9277

About A Ming Xiang:

Just about every country in Asia has managed to come up with a uniquely delicious style of cooking, and Korea is no exception. Korean restaurants have long prospered in Suzhou, and the newest entry is not to be overlooked.

In the heart of Shi Quan Street, A Ming Xiang manages to have sprung up overnight and yet appear as if it was always there. Adorned with blue flags out front, this place is easy to spot, and even easier to smell. Immediately upon entering the dining room, you can hear the sizzling of meat and vegetables throughout the restaurant. There's a grill complete with exhaust fan on every table, which is one of the things I love about Korean restaurants. I can cook what I want, my way, and it's on my plate instantly after.

The selection is pretty standard for a Korean place, with a wide selection of meat and vegetables for grilling, noodle bowls, and some other Korean specialties. Of course, I'm only interested in what I can cook myself. On my last visit I ordered the marinated chicken, duck, two kinds of beef, and a vegetable platter, which I promptly threw on the grill to await perfection. When they bring the dipping sauce to the table, don't turn them away. There must be something illegal in it, it's that good. Tangy, savory and tasting like nothing else; it complements everything perfectly.

Parking can be a problem as it's located in downtown Suzhou, but you'll have no problems by taxi or bus. They're open until 2:00 AM, so this place is certain to make my late-night eats list. Expect to spend about 50 – 100RMB/person, which is very reasonable compared to other comparable restaurants in town. Check it out. You'll be glad you did.

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